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 Did You Ever Wonder Why?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stronglikebull Posted - 06/29/2011 : 22:48:23
I wonder about alot of things,& was wondering if anyone else does? For example,,,,,,Why does my Dog like the taste of the water in the toilet, better than the water in his dish?,,,,,,Why does Beer taste better after you unload a 1000 bales of Hay?,,,,,,Why doesn't Dale Hildreth have a nickname?,,,,,Why is Davey Hamilton so nice to me when I treat him like crap most of the time?,,,,Why does Lisa keep cookin' so much if she thinks we should lose weight?,,,,Why does Lee Dugdale always think it's his turn?,,,,,Why is Mel Knott's car so fast when it's twice as big as the rest of them?,,,,,,Why is Dan Carlson so Goofy?,,,,Why does Dennis Remer where XXXL Shirts?,,,Why is Joe Kerner so Smart?,,,,Good Nite!
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
stronglikebull Posted - 05/14/2012 : 21:43:41
Did you ever wonder why you cut a bad lite when you were trying so hard to cut a good one!
stronglikebull Posted - 05/14/2012 : 21:34:49
Did you ever wonder why you cut a bad lite when you were trying so hard to cut a good one!
stronglikebull Posted - 02/24/2012 : 19:39:32
Thanks Tim, If you need help naming your car, let me know, JM
Tim R Posted - 02/24/2012 : 10:10:41
Joe I'm wondering why it took you so long to explain something that I understand less now than I did before. Good luck with all 3 cars this year.
stronglikebull Posted - 02/23/2012 : 19:41:12
Did you ever wonder how some Race Cars got there names? I've been asked many times how our cars got there names. Goin'Bananas,,,Gone Bananas,,, or H.K.Newstrom's 67 Cuda named StarShine Banana Company which we will run in the MDRA Sportsman Class. Tonight I will first attempt to explain the meaning of the names of the cars by disecting each word individually,,,et.Goin'Bananas,,,Goin:(definition)an act of leaving a place,a departure,,,Bananas:(def.)Plural;A long curved fruit that grows in clusters and has soft pulpy flesh and yellow skin when ripe,,,Gone:(def)no longer present,departed,,,StarShine(def)the light of the stars,,,Company(def)a number of individuals assembled or associated with,,,so you guys with me yet,,,in summary,,,GoinBananas would mean,,,an act of leaving a place with a long curved fruit that grows in clusters with soft pulpy yellow flesh!!!! yikes, thats a mouth full,,,or GoneBananas,,,no longer present with a long curved fruit that grows in clusters with soft pulpy flesh!!! whaaaat!!and then there's StarShine Banana Company,,,the stars lighting up a long curved fruit that grows in clusters with soft pulpy flesh and yellow skin while a number of individuals are assembled!!!! Wait a Minute,,,This stuff makes no sense at all,,,I've got to think about this a little bit,,,,,,,,Oh, now I remember where I was goin with this,,,If you goggle the definition of both words together,,,it make perfect sense,,,Goin'Bananas:(def)Goin' Crazy-losing your mind-(this is a good one Travis)a lack of mental stability-to go bananas is symptomatic of doing irrational things-a lack of reason,,,now were're gettin' some where,,,GoneBananas(def)means to react in a overly exited or emotional manner(good or bad),,,now this is starting to make sence! As for the StarShine Banana Company,,, that was suppose to give us a winning edge,,,maybe this year! So now you know why the cars got there names,,,I think,,,if there's anything else your wonderin', let me know,JM
TIN INDIAN Posted - 07/19/2011 : 23:20:05
Why Joey is the only one who has posted on this ?

stronglikebull Posted - 07/19/2011 : 22:04:25
Have You Ever Wondered Why You Wonder Why! Good Nite!
stronglikebull Posted - 07/17/2011 : 21:29:16
Why is it so uncomfortable outside when the temperature & the humidity #s match each other @ 90?
stronglikebull Posted - 07/15/2011 : 01:00:44
Why are some torque converters easier to replace than others?
stronglikebull Posted - 07/05/2011 : 23:02:54
Why is Scott Dugdale's nickname Tippy?,,,Why does Ken Drevnick always have a 4 course Gourmet Dinner with him @ the Track?,,,Why is Jim Lambrecht always smiling no matter what happens?,,,Why does Big Block Shawn make a camp fire using 5 gallons of E98?,,,Why does John Marszalek have such bad luck with motorhome engines?,,,Why does Joe Schmall have bad luck with motorhome steering components?,,,Why are rhubarb leave's bad for livestock to eat?,,,Why does Reggie keep gaining weight?,,,Why does Stockton's Vibe win so many rounds?,,,Good Nite!

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